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Hair loss affects both men and women for several reasons. If you’re embarrassed by thinning hair or excessive hair loss, you may be a candidate for the hair restoration services available at Bergen Aesthetics.

Our aesthetic specialist Heripsime Ohanian, PhD, MD, FACOG, provides regenerative hair restoration services. Dr. Ohanian uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a substance from your own blood, to stimulate new, natural hair growth and prevent additional hair loss.

Why you might be losing your hair

Hair loss can have different causes in men and women. If you’re losing hair or your hair is becoming noticeably thinner, it may be due to:


The natural aging process can slow the growth of new hairs from your follicles. Eventually, the hairs stop growing all together and what remains on your scalp becomes thinner and likely loses its color.

Hereditary factors

Androgenic alopecia is a type of hereditary hair loss that affects men and women. The condition occurs in those who inherit genes that cause hair follicles to shrink. Shrinking follicles eventually stop growing hair.

Men tend to develop a receding hairline or bald spots on the top of their head. In women, androgenic alopecia causes thinning in the hairline and a widening in the middle part of the hair.


Physical and emotional stress can lead to noticeable hair loss. The loss occurs because high levels of stress can put your hair follicles into a resting phase when they can no longer produce new hairs.


A nonmedical cause of hair loss can relate to your hairstyling habits. Excessive use of styling products and the hair dryer or other heated tools can damage your hair and lead to hair loss.

When to consider PRP hair restoration

PRP hair restoration is generally suitable for hair loss that relates to hereditary factors. Dr. Ohanian can also evaluate other causes of hair loss during your initial consultation to determine if PRP injections are an option for you.

Already present in your blood, PRP is a substance that contains essential growth factors. Dr. Ohanian draws a sample of your blood and prepares it in a centrifuge, a fast-spinning device that separates PRP from other materials. She then injects a high concentration of PRP into specific points on your scalp.

The growth factors in the PRP stimulate inactive hair follicles to produce new, healthy hairs. While the results aren’t immediate, new hairs will start growing in the weeks after your treatment as your follicles become active again.

In addition to stimulating new hair growth, PRP injections can also strengthen your existing hair follicles to prevent additional hair loss. Your natural hair looks healthier and fuller and you can maintain your results in the long term.

What to expect from PRP hair restoration

Generally, men and women need a series of PRP injections to achieve their desired results. Dr. Ohanian spaces each treatment several weeks apart to give the PRP time to work on your hair follicles.

At each of your appointments, Dr. Ohanian injects the PRP directly into your scalp. The treatment doesn’t take long, and you won’t need to limit your activities after each visit.

Within 2-3 months of your initial injections, you should start to see an improvement in the thickness of your existing hair and notice new hair growth. It can take several more months for you to see the full benefit of your hair restoration procedures.

To help you maintain your results, we might suggest maintenance injections every few months. Dr. Ohanian can also recommend foods you can eat and supplements you can take to support healthy hair growth.

Call Bergen Aesthetics in Paramus, New Jersey, to schedule a PRP hair restoration consultation or book an appointment online today.